Can Someone Else Pick Up My Towed Car Texas?

In the state of Texas, it is common for drivers to face the unfortunate situation of having their vehicles towed. However, amidst the frenzy of this situation, a question often arises: Can someone else pick up my towed car in Texas? This article explores the answer to this crucial query, shedding light on the regulations and provisions in Texas law regarding the retrieval of towed vehicles by individuals other than the vehicle owner.

Can Someone Else Pick Up My Towed Car Texas?

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Overview of Towing Regulations in Texas

In the state of Texas, towing regulations play a crucial role in ensuring the proper handling of vehicles that have been towed. These regulations aim to protect both the towing companies and the owners of the vehicles. To understand the process of retrieving a towed car and the responsibilities associated with it, it is important to be familiar with the towing companies’ responsibilities and the rights and responsibilities of the vehicle owners.

Towing Companies’ Responsibilities

Towing companies in Texas have specific responsibilities when it comes to towing vehicles. These responsibilities include following certain procedures to ensure the safe handling of the vehicles and protecting them from damage. Towing companies must have the appropriate licenses and permits, adhere to specific regulations regarding storage, and provide clear signage at the impoundment facilities. They are also required to maintain accurate records of all towed vehicles and their locations.

Owner’s Rights and Responsibilities

As the owner of a towed vehicle in Texas, you have certain rights and responsibilities when it comes to retrieving your car. It is your right to be informed about the location where your vehicle has been towed and the reason for the towing. You have the responsibility to provide proper authorization and documentation to recover your vehicle. Understanding and abiding by the towing regulations and fees is also crucial to ensure a smooth process.

Impoundment Fees and Payment Options

Impoundment fees are charges imposed by the towing companies for storing and handling the towed vehicles. These fees can vary depending on the duration of the impoundment and other factors. It is important to be aware of the payment options available, such as cash, credit/debit cards, or certified checks, to ensure that you can settle the fees and retrieve your car promptly. Failure to pay the impoundment fees may result in additional penalties and delays in reclaiming your vehicle.

Authorizing Someone to Pick Up Your Towed Car

Under certain circumstances, you may not be able to personally retrieve your towed car. In such cases, it is possible to authorize someone else to pick up your vehicle on your behalf. However, it is essential to understand the process and provide proper authorization to ensure a smooth and legal retrieval.

Understanding the Process

To authorize someone to pick up your towed car in Texas, you must be familiar with the specific requirements and procedures set by the towing company. Each company may have its own process, so it is crucial to contact the towing company directly to inquire about their specific requirements. Understanding the necessary steps will help you ensure that the authorized person can retrieve your vehicle without any complications.

Providing Proper Authorization

When authorizing someone else to pick up your towed car, it is important to provide explicit written authorization. This authorization should include your full name, contact information, vehicle details, the name of the person you are authorizing, and their contact information. You should also sign and date the authorization to make it legally valid. Providing a photocopy of your identification along with the authorization can further strengthen the validity of the authorization.

Required Documents for Car Release

To release a towed car in Texas, certain documents must be provided to the towing company. These documents verify ownership and ensure that the rightful owner is retrieving the vehicle. It is crucial to have these documents ready to expedite the process and avoid any unnecessary complications.

Proof of Ownership

Proof of ownership is a crucial document required to release a towed car in Texas. This document can be the vehicle’s title, registration card, or any other official document that clearly establishes your ownership of the vehicle. If you are not the registered owner of the vehicle, additional documentation, such as a lease agreement or power of attorney, may be required to prove your right to retrieve the car.

Valid Identification

Valid identification is another essential document that must be presented to the towing company. This can be in the form of a driver’s license, state-issued identification card, or any other government-issued identification document that confirms your identity. The identification document should have your full name, photograph, and signature to ensure that you are the authorized person retrieving the towed car.

Additional Steps for Non-Owners to Retrieve Towed Cars

In situations where the person retrieving the towed car is not the registered owner, such as a family member, friend, or an authorized representative, additional steps and documentation may be required. These steps are in place to protect the owner’s rights and prevent unauthorized individuals from accessing the vehicle.

Obtaining a Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is a legal document that grants specific authority to another person to act on your behalf. In the context of retrieving a towed car, the registered owner can grant a power of attorney to a trusted individual, enabling them to carry out the necessary procedures to retrieve the vehicle. To obtain a power of attorney in Texas, you may need to consult with an attorney to ensure that the document meets all legal requirements.

Obtaining a Notarized Affidavit of Towing Authorization

In some cases, a notarized affidavit of towing authorization may be required to release a towed car to a non-owner. This document serves as proof that the registered owner has authorized the specific individual to retrieve the vehicle. The affidavit must be signed in the presence of a notary public and include the details of the vehicle, the registered owner’s information, and the authorized person’s information. Consulting with a legal professional can help ensure that the affidavit is correctly prepared and executed.

Can Someone Else Pick Up My Towed Car Texas?

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Power of Attorney and Notarized Affidavit of Towing Authorization

Both the power of attorney and the notarized affidavit of towing authorization play significant roles in facilitating the retrieval of a towed car by a non-owner. Understanding the details and procedures of creating these documents is essential to ensure a lawful and successful retrieval.

Defining Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is a legal document that grants another person, known as the attorney-in-fact or agent, the authority to act on your behalf in legal matters specified in the document. This can include retrieving a towed car. By executing a power of attorney, the registered owner can grant specific powers to the authorized person, enabling them to handle all necessary procedures required for the car’s release.

Procedure for Creating Power of Attorney

To create a power of attorney in Texas, it is recommended to consult with an attorney. The attorney can guide you through the process, ensuring that all legal requirements are met. The power of attorney document should clearly state the specific powers being granted to the authorized person, including the authority to retrieve the towed vehicle. It should be signed and notarized to enforce its legal validity.

Defining Notarized Affidavit of Towing Authorization

A notarized affidavit of towing authorization is a sworn statement that affirms the registered owner’s consent for a specific individual to retrieve a towed vehicle on their behalf. This document serves as additional proof that the authorized person has the legal right to access and retrieve the vehicle. The affidavit typically includes information regarding the vehicle, the registered owner, and the authorized person, along with their signatures. The document must be signed in the presence of a notary public, who will acknowledge and seal the document.

Procedure for Creating Notarized Affidavit of Towing Authorization

To create a notarized affidavit of towing authorization, the registered owner must prepare the document, including all necessary information and the required signatures. It is important to consult with a legal professional to ensure that the document meets all legal requirements. Once the document is completed, it must be signed by both the registered owner and the authorized person in the presence of a notary public. The notary public will then acknowledge and seal the document, making it a legally valid affidavit.

Visiting the Towing Company

Once you have completed the necessary paperwork, you are ready to visit the towing company to retrieve your towed car. Being prepared and having a clear understanding of the company’s process and the required payment for towing and storage fees will facilitate a smooth and efficient retrieval.

Contacting the Towing Company

Before visiting the towing company, it is highly recommended to contact them to confirm the location where your vehicle is being held. You can also inquire about any specific requirements or procedures they may have. This will save you time and effort by ensuring that you have all the necessary information prior to your visit.

Understanding the Company’s Process

Each towing company may have its own specific process for releasing towed vehicles. It is important to understand these processes to ensure a successful retrieval. Some companies may require additional documents or have specific payment methods. Familiarizing yourself with the company’s process beforehand will help you avoid any surprises and ensure a smooth experience.

Payment for Towing and Storage Fees

One crucial aspect to consider when visiting the towing company is the payment for the towing and storage fees. It is essential to inquire about the total amount owed and the accepted payment methods. Common methods of payment include cash, credit/debit cards, or certified checks. Having the necessary funds or payment options readily available will expedite the process and allow for a swift release of your vehicle.

Can Someone Else Pick Up My Towed Car Texas?

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Recovering Personal Belongings from the Towed Car

Before leaving with your retrieved towed car, it is important to thoroughly check the vehicle for any personal belongings that may have been left inside. Towing companies are not responsible for any items left in the vehicle, so it is crucial to take the necessary steps to retrieve your possessions before leaving the impoundment facility.

Checking the Vehicle for Personal Belongings

Once you have gained access to your towed car, carefully inspect all compartments, including the trunk and glove compartment, to ensure that no personal belongings have been left behind. This includes important documents, electronic devices, or valuable possessions. Take the time to retrieve any items you need before leaving the facility, as it may be challenging to retrieve them later.

Contacting the Towing Company for Retrieval

If you realize that you have left personal belongings inside the towed car after leaving the towing facility, immediately contact the towing company. Depending on their policies and procedures, they may be able to assist you in retrieving your items. However, it is essential to act quickly, as the towing company may have limited storage time for abandoned belongings and may dispose of them if not claimed promptly.

Appealing the Towing Decision

If you believe that your vehicle was wrongfully towed or that the towing process was conducted unfairly, you have the right to appeal the decision. Understanding the towing appeals process, gathering evidence and documentation, and knowing how to submit the appeals request are essential to potentially have the towing decision revoked or receive a refund for any fees paid.

Understanding the Towing Appeals Process

Each jurisdiction in Texas may have its own process for handling towing appeals. It is crucial to familiarize yourself with the specific procedures and timelines set by the local authorities or the towing company. Understanding the appeals process will help you navigate through the necessary steps and increase your chances of a successful appeal.

Gathering Evidence and Documentation

To support your towing appeals request, it is important to gather all relevant evidence and documentation. This may include photographs of the parking situation, any signs or notices regarding towing, witness statements, or any other pertinent information that supports your claim of unfair towing. Keep in mind that the burden of proof is typically on the vehicle owner, so thorough documentation is vital.

Submitting the Towing Appeals Request

Once you have gathered all the necessary evidence, submit your towing appeals request according to the prescribed procedure. This may involve completing a specific form, providing a detailed explanation of your claim, and attaching any supporting documentation. Ensure that you meet all deadlines and follow the proper channels of communication to give your appeal the best chance of success.

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Consequences of Towing Violations

Towing violations in Texas can carry significant penalties and consequences for both the vehicle owners and the towing companies. Understanding the potential penalties for violating towing laws and knowing how to file a complaint against a towing company can help enforce accountability and protect the rights of vehicle owners.

Penalties for Violating Towing Laws

Towing companies that fail to comply with the towing regulations and engage in unlawful practices may face penalties imposed by the relevant authorities. These penalties can include fines, suspension or revocation of licenses and permits, and even criminal charges, depending on the severity of the violation. Vehicle owners who knowingly park in prohibited areas or violate parking regulations may also face fines, towing fees, and the inconvenience of having their vehicles towed.

Filing a Complaint Against a Towing Company

If you believe that a towing company has violated the towing regulations or engaged in unfair or deceptive practices, you have the right to file a complaint. Gather all relevant documentation, such as photographs, witness statements, and any communication records with the towing company, to support your complaint. Contact the appropriate authority, such as the local law enforcement agency, the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, or any other designated agency responsible for monitoring and regulating towing companies.


Understanding the towing regulations in Texas and the processes involved in retrieving a towed car is essential for every vehicle owner. By being aware of the towing companies’ responsibilities and knowing your rights and responsibilities as a vehicle owner, you can navigate the process with confidence. Providing proper authorization and having the required documents ready will streamline the retrieval process. In cases where non-owners are retrieving the towed car, obtaining a power of attorney or a notarized affidavit of towing authorization is crucial. By following the outlined procedures and being prepared, you can promptly retrieve your towed car, recover any personal belongings, and address any disputes or issues that may arise throughout the process.

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