How To Do A Proper Tow?

In the realm of vehicle emergencies, knowing how to execute a proper tow is an essential skill for both seasoned drivers and inexperienced individuals alike. Being familiar with the appropriate techniques and safety precautions not only ensures the protection of your vehicle, but also guarantees the safety of yourself and others on the road. This article will provide you with valuable insights and step-by-step instructions on how to perform a tow correctly, empowering you to confidently handle unexpected breakdowns or accidents in a professional and efficient manner.

How To Do A Proper Tow?

Table of Contents


Before you begin towing, it is crucial to ensure that you are adequately prepared. Here are a few important steps to follow before you hit the road.

Check the vehicle’s towing capacity

Before towing, you need to know the maximum weight your vehicle is capable of pulling. This information can usually be found in the owner’s manual or by contacting the manufacturer. Exceeding the towing capacity of your vehicle can put excessive strain on the engine, transmission, and brakes, leading to potential safety hazards.

Check the owner’s manual for specific instructions

Each vehicle and trailer combination may have specific instructions outlined in the owner’s manual. It is essential to familiarize yourself with these instructions to ensure you are following the manufacturer’s recommendations. The manual may provide guidance on weight distribution, hitch installation, and towing techniques specific to your vehicle.

Inspect the tow vehicle and trailer for any mechanical issues

Before attaching the trailer, thoroughly inspect both the tow vehicle and the trailer for any mechanical issues or damage. Check the brakes, tires, lights, and electrical connections to ensure everything is in proper working order. If you notice any problems, it is essential to address them before towing to prevent any issues on the road.

Gather the necessary equipment and tools

To safely tow a trailer, you will need specific equipment and tools. Ensure you have a properly rated hitch, safety chains, and a breakaway cable. Depending on your trailer’s electrical system, you may also need an adapter to connect the trailer lights to your vehicle. Additionally, it is wise to have some basic tools on hand in case any adjustments or repairs are needed during the towing process.

Attaching the Trailer

Once you have completed the necessary preparations, it is time to attach the trailer to your tow vehicle. Follow these steps to ensure a secure connection.

Position the tow vehicle and trailer in a straight line

Before attempting to connect the trailer, position both the tow vehicle and the trailer in a straight line. This alignment will make it easier to connect the hitch properly.

Ensure the trailer hitch and receiver match

Once the vehicles are aligned, ensure that the trailer hitch and the receiver on the tow vehicle are compatible. The receiver should match the size of the hitch and be rated for the weight of the trailer. Using an improperly sized or rated hitch can lead to a dangerous situation on the road.

Connect the safety chains

Next, attach the safety chains from the trailer to the tow vehicle. These chains act as a backup in the event that the trailer becomes disconnected from the hitch. Cross the chains under the hitch and connect them using the appropriate hardware. Ensure that the chains are neither too loose nor too tight, allowing for sufficient slack while still providing support.

Attach the breakaway cable

The breakaway cable is a critical safety feature that acts as a failsafe in the event of a trailer disconnection. Attach one end of the cable to the tow vehicle and the other end to the designated anchor point on the trailer. This cable will engage the brakes on the trailer if it becomes disconnected, helping to prevent a runaway trailer.

Plug in the trailer lights

Connect the trailer’s electrical plug into the corresponding outlet on the tow vehicle. This will provide power for the trailer’s lights and allow other drivers to see your intentions on the road. Ensure that all the lights are working properly before heading out.

Loading the Trailer

Properly loading the trailer is essential for maintaining stability and ensuring a safe towing experience. Follow these guidelines to distribute the weight and secure the cargo effectively.

Distribute the weight evenly

When loading a trailer, it is crucial to distribute the weight evenly to prevent an imbalance that could affect the trailer’s stability. Place heavier items towards the front of the trailer, near the axle, and evenly distribute the weight from left to right. Avoid placing all the weight at the rear, as this could lead to instability, swaying, or fishtailing while on the road.

Secure the cargo

Before setting off, secure the cargo inside the trailer to prevent shifting during transit. Use tie-down straps, cargo nets, or other appropriate methods to ensure that everything stays in place. Regularly check the cargo during stops to ensure it remains secured throughout the journey.

Check the trailer’s weight rating and adhere to it

Every trailer has a weight rating that indicates the maximum weight it can safely carry. Exceeding this weight limit can strain the trailer’s suspension, tires, and brakes, leading to potential failures. Refer to the trailer’s documentation or contact the manufacturer to determine its weight rating and ensure that you do not surpass it.

How To Do A Proper Tow?

Adjusting Mirrors and Visual Aids

Properly adjusting your mirrors and using additional visual aids can greatly enhance your visibility and awareness while towing a trailer.

Properly adjust the side mirrors

Before hitting the road, adjust your side mirrors to provide a clear view of the trailer. You should be able to see the sides of the trailer and a small portion of the road alongside it. This adjustment will help you monitor the trailer’s position and ensure that you are aware of other vehicles nearby.

Use additional visual aids if necessary

In some cases, additional visual aids may be necessary to supplement your mirrors. These can include blind-spot mirrors, convex mirror attachments, or backup cameras. Determine which options are suitable for your towing setup and consider investing in these aids to improve your visibility.

Consider using extended towing mirrors

If your tow vehicle’s standard mirrors do not provide sufficient visibility, consider using extended towing mirrors. These mirrors fit onto your existing side mirrors and offer an expanded view of the trailer and the surrounding area. Extended towing mirrors can greatly enhance your ability to monitor traffic and safely maneuver with a trailer.

Performing a Safety Check

Before embarking on your journey, it is crucial to perform a thorough safety check to ensure that everything is in proper working order.

Check the connection between the tow vehicle and trailer

Inspect the connection between the tow vehicle and the trailer to verify that it is secure. Ensure that the hitch is properly fastened, the safety chains are attached correctly, and the breakaway cable is functioning as intended. A loose or improperly attached trailer can lead to instability and potential accidents while on the road.

Ensure all lights and signals are working properly

Test all the lights and signals on the tow vehicle and trailer to ensure they are functioning correctly. This includes the headlights, taillights, brake lights, and turn signals. It is crucial to have proper lighting to ensure your visibility to other drivers and your ability to communicate your intentions.

Check the trailer brakes

If your trailer is equipped with brakes, ensure that they are in good working condition. Test the brakes before departure to verify that they engage properly and provide sufficient stopping power. Faulty or worn-out brakes can significantly impact your ability to control the trailer and stop safely.

Inspect the tire pressure and condition

Check the tire pressure on both the tow vehicle and the trailer, ensuring that they are inflated to the manufacturer’s recommended levels. Inspect the tires for any signs of wear, such as uneven tread or bulges. Properly inflated and well-maintained tires are essential for safe towing and can help prevent blowouts or premature tire failures.

Verify the presence of safety equipment such as a fire extinguisher and first aid kit

Ensure that you have essential safety equipment readily available in case of emergencies. This includes items such as a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and emergency roadside kits. These supplies can prove invaluable in unexpected situations and aid in ensuring the safety of both you and others on the road.

Driving Techniques

When towing a trailer, adopting the proper driving techniques is crucial for a safe and comfortable journey. Follow these guidelines to maximize your safety.

Start slowly and accelerate gradually

When pulling away from a standstill, start slowly and gradually accelerate. The added weight of the trailer requires more force to get moving, so avoid sudden acceleration. This approach allows you to maintain control and minimize strain on your vehicle’s engine and transmission.

Maintain a safe following distance

While towing a trailer, it is essential to increase your following distance to allow for the additional stopping distance required. More significant weight takes longer to come to a complete stop, so ensure you have enough space between your vehicle and the one in front of you. This buffer will provide ample time to react and stop safely.

Use the tow/haul mode if available

Many modern vehicles offer a tow/haul mode that adjusts the transmission’s shift points and shift timing to optimize performance while towing. Engaging this mode can enhance your vehicle’s towing capabilities and improve its overall stability on the road. Refer to your vehicle’s owner’s manual to determine if this feature is available and how to activate it.

Apply brakes gently and early

When braking with a trailer, it is crucial to apply the brakes gently and earlier than you would without the added weight. Sudden or aggressive braking while towing can cause the trailer to sway or potentially jackknife. Applying the brakes gradually allows for a smoother deceleration and reduces the risk of losing control.

Avoid sudden lane changes or maneuvers

While towing, it is essential to avoid sudden lane changes or abrupt maneuvers whenever possible. The added length and weight of the trailer can cause instability and make quick maneuvers more challenging. Plan your movements ahead of time, signal early, and make smooth, deliberate lane changes to maintain control and minimize risk.

Navigating Turns and Hills

Navigating turns and hills requires extra attention and adjustments when towing a trailer. Follow these guidelines to safely maneuver in these situations.

Take wider turns to accommodate the trailer’s additional length

Due to the extended length of the trailer, it is necessary to take wider turns to prevent the trailer from cutting corners or running over curbs. Approach turns with caution, allowing for extra space to ensure the trailer can safely follow the intended path.

Approach hills with proper speed and momentum

When encountering uphill slopes, approach them with the necessary speed and momentum to prevent stalling or struggling to ascend. Maintain a steady speed, but avoid excessive acceleration, which could strain the engine. On downhill slopes, adjust your speed to a safe level and use engine braking or downshifting to maintain control and prevent overheating the brakes.

Downshift on downhill slopes to maintain control

When descending a hill, downshift to a lower gear to engage engine braking and maintain control of your vehicle and trailer. Relying solely on the brakes can cause them to overheat and potentially fail. Downshifting helps slow the vehicle while minimizing the strain on the braking system.

Use engine braking on uphill sections to prevent overheating

When climbing uphill, using engine braking can reduce stress on the transmission and prevent it from overheating. Engage a lower gear to let the engine brake naturally, providing additional control and minimizing strain on the vehicle’s braking system.

Parking and Maneuvering

Parking and maneuvering a vehicle with a trailer can be challenging, but by following these tips, you can ensure a safe and hassle-free experience.

Choose a suitable parking space for the tow vehicle and trailer

When selecting a parking space, opt for an area that provides ample room for both the tow vehicle and the trailer. Look for areas with sufficient space for maneuvering and where you will not impede the flow of traffic.

Practice backing up in an empty area before attempting in busy areas

If you are new to towing, it is advisable to practice backing up your trailer in an open and empty area. This practice allows you to gain confidence in controlling the trailer before attempting to navigate busy areas or tight parking spaces. Take it slow and use small, deliberate steering inputs to adjust the trailer’s position.

Use a spotter if needed

When backing up in a crowded or challenging environment, having a spotter can be invaluable. A spotter can guide you by providing directions and monitoring your blind spots. Use clear and concise communication with your spotter to ensure a safe and successful backing maneuver.

Take extra caution when making sharp turns or U-turns

When making sharp turns or U-turns with a trailer, exercise caution and proceed slowly. The trailer’s extended length can cause it to track differently than your tow vehicle, leading to potential collisions or damage. Make wide turns, allowing ample space for the trailer, and monitor its position closely.

Dealing with Emergencies

While towing, it is essential to be prepared for potential emergencies on the road. Here are some tips to help you handle unexpected situations.

Know how to respond to trailer sway or fishtailing

Trailer sway or fishtailing occurs when the trailer starts to oscillate uncontrollably from side to side. If you experience this, remain calm and take appropriate action to regain control. Ease off the accelerator, avoid braking suddenly, and steer gently in the opposite direction of the sway to correct the movement. Applying controlled braking to the tow vehicle can help stabilize the trailer.

Pull over safely if experiencing mechanical issues

If you encounter any mechanical issues while towing, such as engine problems or unusual noises, it is essential to pull over to a safe location as soon as possible. Continuing to drive with a mechanical issue can exacerbate the problem and potentially lead to a breakdown or accident. Safely park your vehicle and trailer off the road, and assess the situation or contact a professional for assistance.

Call for roadside assistance if necessary

In some cases, you may encounter a situation that you cannot address on your own. If you are unable to resolve an issue or continue safely, call for roadside assistance. They can provide expert guidance, towing services, or repairs to get you back on the road as quickly and safely as possible.

Post-Tow Maintenance

Once you have reached your destination or completed your towing journey, it is essential to perform post-tow maintenance to ensure the safety and longevity of your vehicle and trailer.

Inspect the tow vehicle and trailer for any damage

Thoroughly inspect both the tow vehicle and the trailer for any signs of damage or wear. Look for scratches, dents, or any loose components that may have occurred during the journey. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage or safety hazards.

Check and adjust tire pressure

After towing, it is crucial to check the tire pressure on both the tow vehicle and the trailer. Towing can put extra stress on the tires, and improper inflation can lead to uneven wear, reduced fuel efficiency, and potential blowouts. Adjust the tire pressure according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Ensure all connections are intact and secure

Inspect all the connections between the tow vehicle and the trailer to ensure they remain intact and secure. Double-check the hitch, safety chains, breakaway cable, and electrical connections. Tighten any loose components and address any issues promptly to prevent any towing-related problems in the future.

Remove any unnecessary cargo or equipment from the trailer

Once your journey is complete, remove any unnecessary cargo or equipment from the trailer. Unloading the trailer ensures that you are not carrying excess weight and allows you to properly store your trailer until the next time it is needed. By keeping your trailer uncluttered, you can maintain better control and reduce the risk of items shifting during transit.

By following these comprehensive guidelines, you can confidently perform a proper tow. Remember to prioritize safety, thoroughly prepare, and remain diligent throughout your journey. With the right knowledge and attention to detail, you can enjoy a safe and successful towing experience.


